This project explored various floor plate and facade strategies of adaptive parametric design for skyscrapers using Grasshopper. The floor plate of this tower is generated based on the graph of different mathematical functions, including parabola and various sin curves. These mathematical elements not only contribute to the tower's aesthetic appeal but also serve as a functional foundation for spatial considerations and mathematical precision.

Instructor: Nicholas Steven Hoban
Time: February - April, 2022

The facade is intelligently divided into two components, each contributing to the tower's visual and functional dynamism. The first component is a parametric louvre system inspired by voronoi patterns. This intricate system serves a dual purpose, acting as both an aesthetic feature and a functional element that adeptly controls the influx of sunlight into the building. This design choice not only adds a layer of sophistication to the tower's exterior but also enhances its energy efficiency.

Complementing the louvre system, the second component consists of decorative pipes, adding a unique visual dimension to the tower. These pipes, strategically placed, contribute to the overall aesthetics, creating a harmonious blend of form and function. The design narrative of the parametric tower is thus a testament to the seamless integration of mathematical precision and aesthetic innovation, resulting in a skyscraper that not only stands as a marvel of modern design but also addresses practical considerations related to energy efficiency and spatial optimization.


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